Anyways, I had been going to the gym regularly, doing lots of spinning classes, running on a treadmill however I was terrified to run outside. I was looking for every excuse possible. Cold, snow, rain, busy, blisters, anything. Time was running out on my excuses - we were now into March and only four weeks away. Help. Please Help.
The date was March 8, 2011 - and finally I was going to run outside. My first run? I went about 2.5km and then needed to walk. Yes, I understand that walking is totally fine when starting to run, but I was only 3 weeks from running a 5km and freaking out. But I kept it up. Did a total of 4km that day with a combination of running and walking. I had a long way to go (yes it sounds like only 1km) but I did it - I ran outside.
Oh - one big thing about deciding to run/get in shape/do something somewhat involving fitness. You must have the most supportive family ever. I certainly do. Yes, there are lots of dinners I miss (although I do try to cook those dinners), many Sunday morning breakfasts I miss, but if you are going to make a change you must learn it is okay to be selfish. MUST.With the family support in mind, I did learn for my first 5km my awesome wife was travelling and couldn't make it (and therefore my two great daughters couldn't as well). Please believe me - this was a good thing. I needed to do this by myself. Had to.
I managed to get a grand total of 5 runs in outside before the big day. I was going to the gym and running on the treadmill but it certainly is not the same as running outside. Even if you put the incline up to 1.5% it is not the same. I was really nervous about finishing.

Okay - race time. D-lo goes to the front of the pack - I head back around mid-pack to be by myself. I was soooo nervous so there was no way I was going to to the front. The five minutes before the start of a race when you are waiting at the start line sucks. You are filled with adrenaline, nerves, and probably feel like you have to pee. Thankfully I had my ipod and some AC/DC to calm me down.
The gun goes off and I am running my first 5K!!! Well not right away - it does take about 3 minutes to cross the start line - and then it seems like forever to start running as all these walkers decide to go near the front of the pack (pet peeve- go to the back). Everyone tells you don't go out too fast as you will burn out so being the smart guy I am I set my pace reading on my iphone to give me readouts every 1/8 km. So I don't really even hear my music - just that stupid voice over and over again saying every 1/8 of a km how fast I am going.... A little overkill so I managed to shut that off. I hit my first 1k, then 2k, and I remember at 3k there is a water station. Really? For a 5k? I passed. There is a small incline around 3.5k - it seems like Everest to someone never runs hills and it is your first 5km. I hit the top of the hill and I am now at 4k and can see Copps Coliseum. I am sweating like crazy (over dressing sucks), I have no idea what music is playing - but I am going to do it - I am going to finish my 5k. What I do remember is the final turn - you have to go down the loading ramp at Copps and yep, almost wiped out. Almost.
I remember making the turn, seeing the finish line and thinking - holy s**t - I did it. My goal was under 30 minutes. My chip time was 25:51 for my first ever 5k. I ran a 5km.
I now feel like I am a runner....however next time I want the family there with me.
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