Thursday, 3 May 2012

The next chapter begins....

So my self imposed break is over...time to get back at it.Thought I would give an update on what I have been up to, what my short terms plans are, and how I am going to destroy Around the Bay 2013(registration just opened).

Before I do I will put this out to anyone who wants to run a race this year please let me know!!! I am totally open to run with anyone and unless you are planning a full marathon or ultra this year I will run for sure. Even if it is your first 5km LET ME KNOW!!

So what I have been up to? Well to be honest not a lot of running. I have only been running about 10 - 15 kms per week since ATB. My body was really tired and for the first time in a long time I wasn't loving the run. I was going back to the gym and spinning a couple times a week which I totally love doing and forgot how great of a workout it is. My issue right now is that the only reason I am going to the gym is the spinning classes so I might cancel that membership and look for a place that does spinning only. I also looked at some pictures of me from 16 months ago (like this one) and realize a trip down memory lane certainly does motivate me.

However, in the past week or two I have been hitting the road again and the love of running is certainly coming back. I need to go slow and ease up my mileage again but I finally feel great. No IT Band issues, nerve issues, any issues with the legs other than getting them use to running again and building the base. It is also nice that summer is back - no more wearing four layers and gloves and everything else that comes with running in the cold. It feels great.

Something new I have been doing which happened by accident is running without music. My iphone armband ripped and I haven't taken the time to get a new one. I always believed the only way to run was with music and that is was impossible to run without it. I will be honest and say I am really enjoying the run without music. I seem more in tune with the run. I am sure when the long runs come back I will appreciate the music but until the 15km runs come up - no music for me.

So what's next? After much consideration (okay not that much) I have come up with my plan for the next few months. I am the type that I need a goal - a race - something to keep me extra motivated. So here goes:
May 26 (in honour of Gary Robbins) - Sulpher Springs 10km Trail Run.
I really want to hit the trails and with Bronte Creek Park right beside me why wouldn't I?? I believe I am going to get KILLED here but let's try it.

July 1 - Canada day 5km Race - Burlington Downtown
Really want to break the 23 minute barrier this time

Saturday, September 22nd - Toronto Zoo 5km run
I am sooo excited for this one - Emma's first 5km run!!!

Really tempted to sign up the Run for the Toad 25km...should I????

Sunday, November 4th - Hamilton Marathon (Half)
Totally looking for a PB in this one. It was my first half ever last year and I know I can beat it.

And then it will be the ATB push. Can't wait.

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