Thursday, 12 July 2012

It's go time....signed, sealed, and maybe delivered..

Wow, it has been quite some time since my last post and my last race. It seems like two years ago that my last race finished (it hasn't been two months). However, I have been really good, running lots, spinning lots, eating pretty well. Other than a few crazy drunk nights (which I did get up the next morning and run) I have been taking care of myself.
I have noticed on the web I have seen lots of lists on "reasons to run". National Post had an intersting list ( and a bunch of other posts that have come up since this hit their site. I totally enjoyed these - kind of made me step back and think about the last 18 months and my running journey. For me two things stand out:

1) My kids want to get involved. They run races, Emma now loves riding her bike while I run, they love coming out to the races and cheering everyone on. This is the greatest thing in the world.
2) There is no better feeling than finishing a run - whether it is just a training run, fun run, or a serious race - finishing is amazing.

So what is go time? Well in one of those crazy drunk nights the tequila starting talking and I mentioned to a few people that I would run the Toronto 10 mile race in August (my long base runs right now are around 8 - 10km, not miles). The next morning I kind of forgot about that statement until my beautiful wife mentioned it to me. Yes, I tried to convince the others that running the 5km would be okay, but they called me a wimp. So on August 12th I am running the Toronto 10 mile run. It's go time.

I have not decided which half marathon I am going to run in the fall. I love the Hamilton run - but thinking Niagara or perhaps another one. If anyone has any suggestions let me know at

Oh - one more thing. Yes, I am running Around the Bay 2013. I have also decided I am running a full Marathon in the spring. Not sure which one yet but I am going to do it. I turn 40 this year so I guess this is my mid-life crisis. Running a marathon sure is better than buying a Miata....