I have noticed on the web I have seen lots of lists on "reasons to run". National Post had an intersting list (http://life.nationalpost.com/2012/07/04/99-reasons-to-run-right-now/) and a bunch of other posts that have come up since this hit their site. I totally enjoyed these - kind of made me step back and think about the last 18 months and my running journey. For me two things stand out:
2) There is no better feeling than finishing a run - whether it is just a training run, fun run, or a serious race - finishing is amazing.
So what is go time? Well in one of those crazy drunk nights the tequila starting talking and I mentioned to a few people that I would run the Toronto 10 mile race in August (my long base runs right now are around 8 - 10km, not miles). The next morning I kind of forgot about that statement until my beautiful wife mentioned it to me. Yes, I tried to convince the others that running the 5km would be okay, but they called me a wimp. So on August 12th I am running the Toronto 10 mile run. It's go time.
I have not decided which half marathon I am going to run in the fall. I love the Hamilton run - but thinking Niagara or perhaps another one. If anyone has any suggestions let me know at elvissteve@hotmail.com
Oh - one more thing. Yes, I am running Around the Bay 2013. I have also decided I am running a full Marathon in the spring. Not sure which one yet but I am going to do it. I turn 40 this year so I guess this is my mid-life crisis. Running a marathon sure is better than buying a Miata....
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