It is also crazy to think I have been with my running group for over a year now, and have just started my third session with them. It is amazing looking back the runs we have done, the challenges we have endured, and more importantly what I have been able to learn from the group. It is really an amazing bunch.
So looking back...I ran a total of 5 races in 2013. All different distances, and I am extremely proud that I personal best all of them! A brief summary:
Oakville Mercedes 10km - A cool morning, a great race, a great route, and a really cool medal! This was just after the Boston Marathon and with so many people in our group who ran Boston volunteering there was lots of motivation. I was able to come in at 47 minutes and a PB by 3 minutes. The really cool thing about this race is that my wife is running in April (yep that is in writing).
Mississauga Half Marathon - I wasn't really planning on running this one, it was more of a last minute, I knew I was trained, so I decided to go for it. My plan was to go out at a 5 minute per km race and hang on for dear life. Guess what?? Did it. Ran a PB of 1 hour 45 minutes, knocking 8 minutes of my PB. Great race, great course, one I would certainly recommend to anyone looking for a half marathon.
Boxing Day 10 Miler - I haven't written my race recap for this race, but another great race. I hadn't done much speed training leading up to this, and considering the food, wine, and scotch on the two days before, I was thrilled with the race. I came in a 1 hour 23 minutes, and a PB by over 8 minutes at this distance. I would totally do this race again.
As I will say over and over, what a year for running. Lots of challenges, and I was able to come out injury free and proud as heck.
In terms of the down parts, the age of 40 is way to early to lose one of your best got me through the marathon Webber...and will get me through every race from here on in.
As for the plans for 2014?? First up will be Around the Bay. I will be running another full marathon in May (probably goodlife Toronto). A fall marathon for sure - I have entered the lottery for New York and will enter the Marine Corps (Washington). I have started swimming with an eye on giving a triathalon a shot, maybe even this year.
Here's to an awesome 2014...
Funnily I was thinking of you today and wondering how Bay training is going. Two marathons this year and maybe a triathalon. Those are some serious goals. Well done on a great 2013. Good luck this year.