Okay, I figured I would recap the entire winter running season. I, like most Canadians, have been spoiled over the last few years. Sure it's been cool, and sure we have had some snow, but the past winters nothing compared to this winter. The cold, the snow, the wind, the ice...the f*&&ing everything. Seriously. It really did wear me out. Especially the Sunday long run. It didn't matter what happened weather wise throughout the week, or even on the Saturday. Sunday was guaranteed cold, windy, and snow. Heck, the last training run before the Bay we had 35km/h winds and a windchill of -24. It kind of sucked.
Once quote I did hear this winter from Winston Churchill - “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” I might have said that once or twice over the last couple of months.
Now, that being said it is awesome when you run with a group because you know others will be out running. And yes, as long as you are dressed properly you can run in any conditions, but you can't (or should I say don't) hyrdate properly, fuel properly, and you certainly slow down for sure. Hence why heading into the ATB race I really had no expectations for my time. I figured I would go out around a 5:30/km pace, hope for a 2:45 overall time and see what happens. A very big part of me was just happy to be on the start line.
So on the day before the race I do have a fun little tradition with my girls. For the bay race, and the marathon, they really don't like the look of my toe nails (or what's left of them) once I finish the run. So I get a full pedicure from them the day before. Looks good eh?? Yes, my toe nails are painted and I don't mind sharing...
So I was supposed to run 5km prior to the race as part of my marathon training program but decided to scrap that. I wanted to focus on the race and try to do well this year. By well I really was thinking no cramping, no cramping, no cramping, which I have done (badly) over the last 2 years. I looked at the weather network, saw the forecast for high winds and cold temps, got ready and headed out the door. Our running group meets in a building close to the start which was awesome as there were no lineups for the bathrooms and was really a relaxed environment. We started to head out the corrals and I noticed something weird - it as warm. Yes, there was wind, but really it wasn't cold. Maybe I did wear too much...
We made it to the corral and waited for the start. It was great to hear the Premier of Ontario mess up the start (she cannot count backwards as there is a "3" in between 4 and 2) and we were finally off. I was in Corral C which is fantastic. What a difference starting there rather than from the back of the pack - we were not passing tons of people, were not getting passed, just a really, really smooth start.
They have a new route this year - one that heads down James St. and then headed along Burlington street to Woodward avenue. This basically makes up the first 9km of the course. I must be honest, I am not a big fan of this. First, there are no spectators out on Burlington St (obviously). The dirt and dust that was kicked up by the traffic going the other direction was bad, and wow that awesome Hamilton smell. The other part is that Burlington street adds some pretty good climbs with the overpasses. I am all for making it tougher...but the Bay is tough enough. Yes, the world's greatest cheering section were out in full force but had to wait until 10km before I could see them, last year I saw them twice by the 11km point. It really takes away the north end part of the city which was awesome for spectators.
So I made it to Beach Blvd. and finally saw the world's greatest cheering section. Awesome. I was able to get rid of my warm clothes as I was totally overdressed. Got some quick high fives and down the beach we go. It was windy along the beach, but not as bad as I expected so I decided to keep pushing. This stretch of the race takes you to the lift bridge, which is not the best to cross, and onto Northshore and the famous hills. Funny story, as soon as the hills started Run to the Hills by came on my ipod - perfect timing.
We hit the hills which are really home for our running group. We do so much training there I am pretty sure I know the last names of the residents by memory (yes I look at their mailboxes). We start up the first of the big hills and our running coach was there. He was in great position - going up the big hill as there is NO way you are walking with him watching. However, I felt pretty good and never thought of walking - even up the next climb right after Lasalle Park. I continue on along Northshore to Plains road and the legs are feeling it. 25km done....but still on pace.
The last 3km is tough. Yes, it is downhill but I was tired. But looking at my watch I knew I was going to be close to my goal time. Thankfully a few other members of my running group ran by and got me going. That and I knew the world's greatest cheering section was going to be by the arena. It was funny this year because when I approached them they told me to keep going which I think means I finally looked okay at the end of this race which I know I have not done before.
Down the ramp, into the arena for the big finish. I did it. I hit my goal time of 2:45 and did not cramp. Considering the winter and the conditions and everything else I really couldn't be happier. I finally feel like I won in the matchup of me against the race..
Once again, overall, the race did not disappoint. Being the oldest race in North America, the 30km distance, the hills, the support make this (in my mind) the best road race in Canada. It is an amazing experience.
Congrats Hollie on your first 5km race. Seriously this is so awesome. The around the bay 5km race was my very first race 3 years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday. Enjoy that medal....
Thank you...
Many, many thanks to the Connors crew....how many Tuesday morning runs when it was -30 degrees and crazy Sunday runs did we do?? There is no chance I would have done those on my own. Thanks for always pushing.
Thanks for inspiring me still Webber....and thanks for changing that wind to a tail wind the last couple of km.
Thanks to QB's for the Bacon Cheesburger, Fries, Gravy, Wings, and beer post-race. Yes, I really like this tradition.
And Next....
It will be a busy two months. I am doing either a full or half marathon May 4th in Toronto, and I will be part of an awesome 100 mile relay at the end of May.
And then....NEW YORK CITY MARATHON!!!!!! Still cannot believe I got into that race.
I was thinking of you last weekend. So glad that it went well and you made your time. You are definitely hardcore. Good for you for getting through all that. And even better for you that there was no cramping!