As for the training, all is going well except for the feeling of a truck running me over last week knocking me out for 2 days. I only missed one run but it certainly shortened my Sunday long run. This is called tapering I know but I was not planning on tapering as my end goal is still Around the Bay. I know I also mentioned it but it bothered me more that I missed a 40th b-day party than the one speed work run. I have also been spending a bunch of time on the physio table (see picture that Kloe took). My knee/leg/IT Band - well my entire right leg is finally feeling better but not 100%. I will rest in April until it is better (I have said that before).
I have finished long runs of 25km, 22km, 22km, 19km, 18km in the last 5 weeks - including four on the ATB course and the North Shore hills. My Tuesday runs are around 12km, Wednesday is a 30minute jog, Thursdays have been either hills or speed so I feel I am on schedule for both races but you never know what will happen until I hit the race courses. The other unknown is the weather - they are calling for 45km winds on Sunday. Did I mention I hate winds?
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